Friday, September 10, 2010

Painting Demo of Festiva Maxima

Welcome to the first live recording of how I paint.  Videotaping was a breeze.  Getting it onto the computer - more like a cyclone.  It took so many hours to get the video footage downloaded, compressed, encoded, formatted, imported, exported and uploaded again 
(not necessarily in that order - some of it I couldn't explain to save my life).  
My head is spinning and I've started thinking about taking up a new career in film making.  Judging from the choices I made for formatting this thing though, I think I'll stick with painting.  Hopefully my next movie posts will be better.  

If you'd like a high quality video and sound package together, you may purchase and download the demonstration for $25.  Email me if you are interested. 

Festiva Maxima, 29x29" © Sally Shisler
  • Paint List: titanium zinc white, burnt sienna, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, sap green, chrome yellow, transparent orange
  • Medium: Gamblin neo-megilp
  • Knives: small flat rectangular painting knife, large flat tapered end putty knife
  • Surface: self prepared linen canvas primed with acrylic gesso and stretched onto bars 

Mixing Paint

Blocking In

Moving Along

Finishing Up

Please contact me for purchase information at